Go for a Walk

6 Tips to Boost Your Energy

Hormonal differences, especially iron deficiency, are largely behind why women suffer from low-energy and fatigue more often than men.   Women are actually two to four times more likely to be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome than men.

A lot of the time, women also experience fatigue because of responsibilities and differences in lifestyle that happen as a consequence.  When the source of your fatigue is lifestyle related, you can turn things around and empower yourself to make different choices and engage in different healthy habits that actually generate energy and vitality back into your body and life.

Here are a six ways you can boost your energy naturally:

  1. Go for a Walk

Going for a walk and getting fresh air can up your Vitamin D and helps to strengthen your body and get your heart and blood circulating which can be highly energizing.  The best part is when you are done, your body will be flooded with feel good endorphins that will leave you feeling good for hours.

  1. Turn on the Stereo

Whenever, I’m feeling down music usually turns me around.  Music can be a mood changer and all you have to do is put your favourite playlist on and blast it in your house, through your headphones or in the car.  Remember to sing along too – preferably at the top of your lungs!

  1. Set Some Goals

Create energy by setting goals for yourself – like adding more self-care into your life.  Having a goal can raise your motivation factor and give you a source to draw energy from.  Set a goal to practice yoga for 30 days in a row or get out of your procrastination mode and scratch one to-do item off of you list each day.

  1. Got to Bed Early

If you are running low on energy it might be because you’re running out of steam tending to everyone else’s needs.  Remember you cannot keep giving from an empty fuel tank.  Sleep is an essential piece of the energy puzzle.  It’s when our body rests, repairs and restores energy – so tap out early one night and make sure you get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Eat to Energize

Eat a balanced diet that includes unrefined carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, with an emphasis on plenty of vegetables.  Eat small and frequent meals throughout the day to keep your hormones balanced and your energy up, rather than falling into a mid-afternoon slump.  Also, remember to stay hydrated. One of the first signs that you are not getting enough fluids can be fatigue.

  1. Do Absolutely Nothing Without Guilt

When all else fails, there is nothing wrong with calling it a day, putting your feet up and doing absolutely nothing.  The reality is the work and household chores will eventually get done.  Sometimes when you’re tired, you just need to be and do whatever your body is telling you it needs to do.  So, don’t ignore your body, listen to HER instead and follow HER lead!

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Joanne Smith (a.k.a. Joanne Freeborn) is a Transformational Wellness Leader who supports women realign their mental, physical and spiritual lives.  She educates and coaches using immersive self-healing techniques that align and transform health and wellness, while paving the path to a deeper connection with Self.

 For more information, visit: www.alignedhealingarts.ca

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